Colorado DUI Attorneys

Serving the state of Colorado.
Call now: (720) 408-7130


DUI Attorneys by City

Colorado and “Express Consent”

Anyone driving in the State of Colorado is required by law to take a chemical test if a law enforcement officer has “reasonable grounds” to suspect a driver is driving under the influence. Now, driving under the influence can mean the driver was intoxicated by either alcohol, prescription drugs, or illegal narcotics (or all or a combination of) while operating a vehicle. The best way to think about this is: anything you put into your body that can impair your ability to drive a vehicle safely can cause you to get a DUI.

Additionally, with marijuana becoming a enormous part of Colorado’s economy, more people will be confronted with driving under the influence of marijuana. This can be very tricky for drivers that consume marijuana. Marijuana can take a very long time to exit one’s system. Therefore any person consuming marijuana products in Colorado on a regular basis should avoid driving. If you live Denver, ride sharing apps are available and there’s plenty of public transportation as well.

Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Search & Disciplinary History

The Colorado Supreme Court provides a lawyer search form where you can look up the disciplinary record of any attorney you’re considering hiring. There are a few things you can to look for when you do your search. The first thing you want to find out is if the lawyer’s license status is active:

attorney license active Colorado Bar Association

The next thing you will see is this:

carries professional liability insurance

Chances are, most of the lawyer you will look up will be in “private practice”, and there’s nothing incredibly important about that information. However, the liability insurance notification is something to look for. Chances are, any lawyer that has professional liability insurance runs a good practice, and therefore this information becomes a good filter for your search.

Finally, if you look down at the bottom of the page, a notice in black text will show up. It should say “There is no public disciplinary history on file for this attorney within the state of Colorado.” If you see this message, then you’ve done the basic first step checks of a proper and thorough lawyer search.

there is no public disciplinary history on file