Overson Law, PLLC
Drugged and drunk driving convictions can lead to serious legal consequences in Utah, including jail time, fines, restitution, probation, long-term loss of your driving privileges due to license suspension, and other penalties. It is critically important that you have a skilled, experienced, and aggressive Salt Lake City, Utah DUI lawyer on your side to protect your rights and fight for your freedom.
Practice Areas
- Criminal Proceedings
- Drug Charges
- Federal Defense
- Weapons Crimes
- White Collar Charges
- other Criminal defense
- Family Law
Contact Information
Address:136 E S Temple St Suite 1530
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone number: 801-895-3143
Website: utahcriminallaw.net
Social Media
Facebook page: facebook.com/OversonLawFirm
Youtube: youtube.com/BautistaOversonSaltLakeCity