Wisconsin DUI Attorneys
Wisconsin DUI Attorneys Mastantuono, Coffee & Thomas
Mishlove & Stuckert, LLC

Law Office of Stephen M. Govin, LLC

DUI Attorneys by City
First Some Nomenclature and Jargon Clarification
In Wisconsin DUIs are referred as OWIs. So don’t think you are off the hook because you got an OWI instead of a DUI. It’s the same thing. The reason for this is that each state has their own drunk driving laws and subsequently have their own acronyms and terminology. For the record, OWI stands for Operating While Intoxicated.
What Happens to First Time Offenders
First off a first time offender is someone who has not received a similar drunk driving infraction in another other state in the United States of America within ten years. Wisconsin generally sends out two tickets for people who have been caught drunk driving. One is called an OWI ticket and the other is a PAC ticket. PAC stands for prohibited alcohol concentration. You have ten working days to address these two ticket and each ticket has identical penalties associated with them.
Under 21 Years of Age:
As usual people under 21 can get OWIs for having a BAC of .02% or greater, which means don’t even take a sip of alcohol and drive in the same day.
What Happens If You Refuse A Test
Apparently in Wisconsin police officers have the right to physically restrain you and make you take a blood, breath or urine test. Sounds somewhat over the top, but each state has their own strange laws and procedures. Generally if you refuse to take a test in Wisconsin your driver’s license will be suspended for one year.